• Phone: +252-638333230
  • Email: info@helpwomenandchildren.org
About our foundation

We Are In A Mission To Help Helpless

WCO is a local NGO registered with ministry of Planning and National Development, and in accordance with Somaliland NGO law No 43/210, as a non- political, non- profit making, non- government organization engaged in the humanitarian and Development of Somaliland. WCO is operating as non-profit basis with principles and philosophy aimed at effective and sustainable community transformation. A group of former UN and International NGO workers with a similar vision and passion saw the need to dedicate themselves to supporting underprivileged local Somaliland communities to help them achieve social and economic development. The organization was registered in Oct 2022 with the Ministry of Planning with the registration number L43.13.1564/2024. and has a fundraising office in the USA, UK and Denmark. WCO is working in whole of Somaliland and priority has been given to the Most venerable communities in hard-to-reach areas
About US
Our Vison
Empowering Women and Children: The organization envisions a world where women and children have equal opportunities, rights, and access to resources. It aims to empower them to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
Our Mission

To promote women and children empowerment

To promote women and children empowerment where all women and children have equal opportunities, rights, and access to resources.
(WCO) Organization

About (WCO) Organization

Help Women and Children Organization (WCO) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 2020 and operating in Somaliland. It seeks to build resilience and improve the quality of life by empowering communities in the Somaliland through sustainable development initiatives.
About Org